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2 kommentarer
En kommentarsförfattare · 2024-10-29 kl. 08:15
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danskyrka_eu · 2024-10-29 kl. 11:16
Why Do I Need an Email Newsletter?
Email newsletters are important for businesses, brands, and organizations of all shapes and sizes. Whether you have a blog, eCommerce store, small business, non-profit organization, or educational institution, newsletters help to keep your audience engaged and connected with you.
Here are 5 really big reasons why you need an email newsletter:
Increase Your Returning Visitor Rate – With all of the things going on in peoples’ lives today, it’s pretty easy for someone to buy once or interact with your website once, then completely forget about you for a long time. An email newsletter is one of the best ways to remind that audience that you’re here and increase the likelihood that they return.
Make Your Brand Memorable – This goes hand-in-hand with reason #1. Not only do you want your visitors and customers to return, but you also want to make yourself easily memorable. While sending an email newsletter isn’t the only way to make that happen, it can certainly help.
Boost Your Conversions – So, if more of your customers or visitors are returning and remembering you, odds are, you’ll see your conversions increase. Whether it’s sales, sign-ups, downloads, donations, or any other type of conversion, email newsletters help drive them.
Generate Traffic – Ranking in Google and driving traffic to your site is hard, and it tends to take more time than you’d like. It can feel like you’re publishing content in a vacuum, where all your well-crafted words get stuck and remain unread. With an email newsletter, you can distribute that content straight to people who are actually interested in reading it. They click, creating traffic for your site.
Build a Loyal Fanbase – Newsletters help you connect with your readers and build up a relationship. Especially if you add your personality to your emails, your subscribers will start to feel like they know you and really connect with you.
Now that you know the importance of newsletters, let’s look at the tools you can use to create one.